Salamanca Market Jan 4, 2020

Thirty degrees Celsius was forecasted today but thankfully a cool change arrived in the afternoon. There were two big cruise ships in today and the market filled with people. One of the ships was carrying very dear friends of mine from Melbourne, who came by and gave me a hand at the stall.
A lady stopped at the Pj Paintings stall and bought two “Lazy Days” tote bags for her sisters living in England. Another lady, bought a “Lazy Days” bag to post to her sister living in Greece. She used to live in Melbourne. They immigrated to Australia when this sister was seventeen. She missed her friends and didn’t settle into Australia well. So, after doing a degree at Monash University, she went back, met a Greek man, married and settled into family life in Greece.
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Lazy Days small sized tote bag
A young couple touring around Tasmania, purchased a “Bunk bed” print that they’ll be taking back to ‘dreary London’, she said. Another “Bunk bed” print is going to Indonesia.
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“Bunk beds” from the Sleep head series
A lady, from California, USA, bought five prints and thirteen greeting cards, she said for her son’s birthday party.
“Hanging Out” prints are going to Ireland and Canberra, Australia.
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“Hanging Out” from the Sleepy head series
“Double Date” and “The Three Amigos” are going to Holland.
There were many others visitors to the stall but I couldn’t keep up with writing notes. Last week, no pouches moved and this week ten went, along with ten tote bags and one small original painting of a galah.
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Original painting of a Galah sitting among gum leaves
The most popular prints today were prints from the Sleepy Head series.
A thought to ponder: “Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso
Well, in that case, wombats do sleep in hammocks!
Wishing everybody a Happy New Year,
from Pj Paintings, stall #30 at Salamanca Market, Tasmania
P.S. Tote bags, pouches & prints are available at

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